Latest News

Fourth of July Office Closure

June 30, 2021 / By jonathan

Our offices will be closed Monday, July 5th in observance of Independence Day. We will resume our regular business hours Tuesday, July 6. Happy Fourth of July on behalf of People’s Trust! We wish you a joyful celebration filled with cheers and blessings.


June 16, 2021 / By jonathan

The Eye on PTI – June 2021

June 15, 2021 / By jonathan

You’re missing out on important agency information!

June 3, 2021 / By jonathan

Have you logged in to the new My Account section of the People’s Trust Insurance agency website? If not, you are missing out on all the important agency-specific information we house there. Please bookmark this link now, so you’ll have all the information you need anytime you need it. Click here if you forgot your...

Memorial Day Office Closure

May 28, 2021 / By jonathan

In observance of Memorial Day, our offices will be closed Monday, May 31st. We will resume our regular business hours Tuesday, June 1st. We wish you a meaningful day.

The Eye on PTI – May 2021

May 18, 2021 / By jonathan

New Contact List and Updated Guide for Hurricane Preparedness Week

May 12, 2021 / By jonathan

This week is National Hurricane Preparedness Week, which is a perfect time to get all your contact information in order and help your clients prepare for the upcoming storm season. We’ve created an easy-to-print, downloadable PDF with important Agency contact information on how to reach anyone you might need at People’s Trust Insurance: CLICK HERE...

Watch + Act! Floridians for Lawsuit Reform

April 30, 2021 / By jonathan

If it sounds like we keep beating the drum on lawsuit reform, we are. As you know, the home property insurance industry is being decimated by frivolous lawsuits and causing rates to steadily increase for insurers in the state—with no relief in sight for Florida homeowners. We still need your help to get lawmakers in...

The Eye on PTI – April 2021

April 22, 2021 / By jonathan

2 Minutes for Your 2 Cents!

April 19, 2021 / By jonathan

We want to hear from you! When the COVID-19 pandemic set in last year, we were forced to change the way we communicate with Agency Partners. Now, we want to better understand what is working, and where we can improve. Please take one minute to take our quick survey. Our goal is to use this...

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